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HairClone unveils fresh new look

By March 1, 2023March 8th, 2023No Comments

HairClone have been hard at work cryopreserving hair follicles from around the world and progressing their cell therapy through to clinical manufacture. To mark the upcoming turning point from research into reality, HairClone rebranded with a fresh logo and website.

The new HairClone logo features a number of concentric circles growing into the shape of a hair follicle, reflective of the company’s goal to rejuvenate miniaturising hairs into larger, non-miniaturising hairs by multiplying the cells of the dermal papilla.

We felt that the company needed a face lift in anticipation of entering clinical use. We worked with a talented designer who understood our brand well and has developed a new look that is much more appealing for the intended audience.

The new website can be found at