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The development of any new medical product or treatment is complex and heavily regulated process, controlled by so-called National Competent Authorities such as the FDA, the MHRA in the UK and the EMA which oversees the whole EU.  These authorities ultimately issue a marketing license based on clinical safety and efficacy information supplied to them by the product developer.  This license allows the producer to advertise a product and make claims for its safety and efficacy.

The strategy of HairClone is to develop the various follicle extraction, cryopreservation/banking, cell expansion, cell delivery processes in parallel. This will create a community of scientists, clinicians and patient/clients dedicated to bringing this revolutionary treatment into clinical practice.

Clinic membership

Clinical Partnerships will be developed with leading transplant clinics around the world who will help to develop the therapy and also be the first to offer this to patients when available.

Cell treatment

When the process for expansion and re-implantation has been developed by the scientist/clinician/patient partnership, portions of the banked follicles would be dissociated and expanded in culture, transported to the treatment clinic where they would be micro-injected back into the scalp. It is expected that this process will both rejuvenate miniaturising follicles as well as inducing new follicular structures. This process could be repeated every 2-3 years as the balding process continues by taking additional portions of the patient’s banked follicles and expanding them.

Follicle Banking and storage

When developed, patient/clients can pay to have hair follicles extracted, cryopreserved and stored. The cost structure of such banking will be similar to other cell banking services and payment will be be one-off, annual or monthly depending upon the patient/clients preference.

Investing in HairClone Inc.  Equity Based Crowdfunding 

Patients and clinicians can invest in order to support the research and development in return for equity in HairClone. For more information go to Capital Cell.

Investing in early stage Biotechnology Companies is usually only open to qualified investors. HairClone from the outset has wanted to create a “community” and wanted to enable anyone around the world who is interested in our aims to own shares.